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Bulletin #15 – Dock Maintenance

As a reminder and for clarity, there are elements of each dock that are the responsibility of the individual dock owner to maintain, repair and replace, when necessary. Others are the responsibility of the Dock Association and are part of our routine maintenance programs and/or included in the reserve funds based on their normal life expectancy.

The following elements of the docks are owner responsibility for maintenance, repair and replacement and are not be included in the normal maintenance or in the Reserve Study. These are clearly documented in the Declaration and By-Laws of BayWatch III which state that docks are “Limited Common Elements”.

  • Dock additions over and above the original equipment such as boat lifts, 220 electric, kayak holders, etc.

The Dock Association is responsible for the following limited common elements according the By-Laws and are included in the routine maintenance or Reserve planning:

  • The finger piers
  • The pilings
  • Electric to the dock
  • Available insurance (fire)
  • Dock Numbers

The finger piers, insurance and electric are included in our routine maintenance and Reserve Planning for replacements. The pilings are expected to have a useful life of “at least 80 years” and are therefore beyond the scope of The Reserve Study.